Statement on Lambeth

August 11, 2022

We would like to acknowledge that the discussions at Lambeth around human dignity, particularly regarding same-sex marriage, have caused a wide variety of reactions among our 2SLGBTQ+ siblings and allies. Some of us are encouraged by the progress made in these discussions. Others are frustrated that these conversations are continuing on the global scale when they seem already settled in our personal contexts. Others are bereaved that the validity of our identities are once again brought into question. We would like to reassure our siblings that, regardless of your feelings in this matter, you are a beloved child of God. You are fearfully and wonderfully made exactly as you are, and there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God. 

We recognise that all issues of justice are interconnected. The colonial enterprise seeks to eliminate the diverse understandings of gender and sexuality of colonised peoples. The Anglican Church has historically supported colonialism, and its entanglement with colonialism continues to this day. We commit ourselves to work to undo the harm of colonialism. We support colonised peoples in reclaiming traditional understandings of gender and sexuality. We hope to approach the variety of contexts that colonialism has produced with nuance and sensitivity. 

We recognise that Anglicans throughout the world come from a variety of contexts. We understand that, in many parts of Canada and the Anglican Communion, our 2SLGBTQ+ siblings face extreme violence, discrimination, and the inability to live authentically. We uphold our siblings in prayer, and seek concrete change. 

We reject the premise that this is a conflict primarily between North American/European members of the communion and those members who belong to the global south. We recognise that many white North American and European Anglicans hold homophobic and transphobic attitudes, and that many from the global south support the dignity of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals. We also recognise that open allyship may come at risk of personal safety in many parts of the world. 

We are committed to justice, reconciliation, and restoration. As Christians, we believe in the promises of God that these values will be accomplished in the fullness of time. We recognise that we seek justice and reconciliation not of our own accord, but because we are enfolded into the work that God is already doing. 

We believe that God was at work at Lambeth and continues this work going forward. There is an important place for self care and healthy boundaries, particularly around conversations that can be so personal and divisive. We encourage our 2SLGBTQ+ siblings to take care of themselves in ways that are meaningful for them, and to reach out for support as needed. 

We also recognise the need for dialogue and relationship in the process of achieving true justice and reconciliation. We would like to thank all bishops for their willingness to participate in these conversations. In particular, we would like to thank Bishop Todd for being an active ally. We appreciate his reassurance offered before Lambeth that Huron would not change its current inclusive approach, and also for his signing of the inclusion letter on the Human Dignity of 2SLGBTQ+ people. 

We appreciate the work of all active allies and 2SLGBTQ+ leaders in this process. We commit ourselves to continuing to create safe spaces for dialogue and education around gender and sexuality within the Diocese of Huron and beyond.